World Oceans day

In organizing this interesting conference, we will talk about climate change and ocean acidification which amplify the impact of other threats attributable to human activity, such as overfishing and the destruction of marine habitats.

Giornata della Terra

From Argentina to the Gulf of Gaeta for Earth Day

Recalling the annual appointment with World Earth Day, the AIPU Association for sustainable development based in Scauri and Sperlonga organizes an event through the story with images and videos of the research trip to Argentina from Patagonia to the Iberà National Park the second largest wetland on the planet after the Pantanal.
The theme of World Earth Day 2023 is investing in our planet, or investing in a "green" economy, respectful of the environment and its resources and this is the study and scientific research trip to various parts of Argentina by the biologist marino Adriano Madonna and by the architect Luigi Valerio.

plastic into the rocks
plastic into the rocks

Plastic alarm in the rocks

Scholars, especially geologists, have been signaling for some time that the anthropocene will be a new geological era marked by the passage of man and not yet mentioned in the history books. We are still at the beginning, says Prof. Luigi Valerio collaborator of the Department of Geology and Environment of the University of Naples "Federico II" and as the experts point out alongside changes without return, such as plastic in the rocks, there will be an increase in temperatures, with consequent melting of the glaciers, for an ever-increasing concentration of carbon dioxide and a growing consumption of water, which will affect the planet's water reserves.

Un pianeta alla fine del mondo

Scientific expedition to Patagonia

The effects of climate change on environmental balances are a burning issue that currently afflicts humanity. The whole world is undergoing changes and these are not comforting. At the edge of the world, where climatic conditions are extreme, the effects of global warming are even more evident and there are those who go to study them to make them available for research. On February 20, Prof. Adriano Madonna, marine biologist, and architect Luigi Valerio will make their second study trip to Argentine Patagonia to verify what is happening at the "end of the world".